People who are busy with the outer world
Sometimes forget their own little growing world
which exists inside the layers of their skin
Connecting to this intrinsic world is
as important as taking breathe
or beating of heart every single second
Most of the time it gets too late
to realize this truth
And nothing more painful than this
when you get to know during your
last days, you are left with no option
except repenting over your deeds
Life give us so much time and chances
but make us realize this very late
The great thing is
Being alive, we know the importance of
every single breath we are taking in
When your soul realize that
it still has few days and nights
And you can make your rest
of the days best days of your life
May be one day, you get to know the
art of living happily with or without reason
Life knocks the door of everyone
You just have to keep your eyes on
that moment that can come any time
and welcome the life with your
both arms open and cuddle it
Show some affection to life
Show some love to yourself
You will get back it in any form
from anyone, anywhere
As I told you, just
keep your eyes open and mind calm
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