Why Are You Sad?


What answer you get
when you ask yourself
"Why are you sad?"

Do you hear the sound
that tells you the reason
behind your sadness?

A voice that makes you
count your failures

A heart that makes you
remind that it has broken

A society that makes you
follow what they're following
for ages

A desire that makes you
despondent over not fulfilling

A dream that asks you
when it will turn into reality

There are lots of questions
waiting for there answers

There are lots of doubts
waiting to be clear

There are people who
give you so many advises

Some say to move on
Some say to stand and face
Some say to change the path
And some say to change the destination

Some judge you
Some praise you
Some underestimate you
Some criticize you

Before seeing yourself
from their perspective

Just remember that
You are unique

Don't let others
define you

Don't ignore your
inner voices

Don't halt your

Instead chase the answer

You are the question
and you are the answer

Once you started facing yourself
You will solve all the mystery
of your problems

You will know "why are you sad?"
 Are you actually sad or just
thinking that you are sad? 

Find the reason behind your
every emotions

Don't think yourself as sad or depressed

Because anything good or bad start
with a thought


I Hope you enjoyed reading this.

Do comment your precious view
I am eager to know.

Have a Delightful Reading

Inked by- Pooja Mishra



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