My Fantasies

butterflies, nature
image source @pixabay

What don't happen in reality, happen in fantasy.

 My fantasies might sound like so odd or so ordinary. But for me they are like stars shining in the sky and touching them with my fingers is a blessing itself.

In every heart and mind, a fraction of space they occupy. Some get familiar to it soon and some realize it late. But realizing before end is way good than realizing never.

I'm not definite but hopeful to live each of them before my death bed. And one should consider oneself fortunate that what you once thought, you actually lived. A Kudos for all those folks.  

A collection of wishes in which few are new born and few are old aged. Few are tender to feel and few are stiff to touch. Each has its own essence. Each has its own story. Each has its own address, Each has a bright hope of seeing themselves meeting to reality. 

I wonder sometimes, How will it be when that bundle of desires wear the colors of real world?

Will they look as appealing in reality as the look in fantasy? Or will they be totally opposite to my imaginary world? 

Whatever, I always look at shimmer of hope that sun, moon and stars spread every single day and night.
 In a nutshell, 

Witnessing  Meadows and mountains give me tickled pink
Chasing peace in nights, with my shadow and beautiful sight
Walking on empty roads while feeling and listening to the breeze
Bare foot walk on sand facing shrieking sea shore
Playing with ripples and wadding through them
Capturing every moment I live, in my senses
All scenic beauty heart wants to collect
Writing a couplet and musings for that
No fancy fantasies I have in play
Leaving Starbucks or CCD for a cup of joe

Hundred days of Joy are better than thousands days of monotony.
I choose to live in peace over fear of falling, loosing and greed 



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