What to do in Quarantine?


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Corona is in the air. The whole world is fighting with Corona. . Everywhere, we can find the news of this deadly virus. People has nothing to gossip other than Corona.

The point is, you will get nothing but mental exhaustion by hearing and talking about this Corona Virus repeatedly.
Just consume right information from right sources Like WHO, Central or State Gov Websites.

What kind of information is useful to keep. Lets talk about it briefly
.You should know the symptoms of this virus
 You should know how to prevent yourself from it.
 You should know how to maintain proper hygiene.
 You should know the importance of social distancing.

These are some information, in regard of Corona, you should keep your eyes on. Remember, you are an important part of this fight against corona. You are giving your contribution by staying at home and obeying guidelines of Gov. So if you actually love your family, your friends and yourself, so please stay at your home. This is the only cure of this lethal virus.

At first, living in quarantine is a tough task. Obviously it is and for everyone it is tough. But instead of seeing its bed side, we should make use of this quarantine for good purpose. Good purpose can be anything that can help you in growth mentally, physically or financially.

First of all you have to change your mindset and the way you looking at your quarantine time. It's a whole day what I will do or how will I pass my time.These kinds of thoughts just make you panic more. Keep yourself relax and light so that you can focus on other activities.

So if you are among those who have no idea about what to do in quarantine time, then now no more to ponder over this. Here is a catalogue of activities you can do at your home.

You can take a quick look and choose what you will love to do.

Focus on your health more


Now you have more time to focus on your health and upgrade it. In your quarantine days, you can improve your health by eating healthy, doing excercise and maintaining a proper schedule of eating timely that doesn't happen in usual days due to lack of time. Therefore, quarantine can yield good results if used wisely.

Read good books, blogs, magazines etc.


Reading is another productive activity you can do in your quarantine. You can read books online or offline. Make a target of reading two or three books in next 15 days. 
You can read those books you wanted to read but couldn't due to unavailability of time. Or you can complete pending books that are yet to read. And most important thing is read only good content. Because reading is food for thought and you can grow only when the information you consuming is right and useful.

Listen good music


We have lots of choices in music too. You can listen any genre viz. Hip hop, Jazz, Rock, Folk Music, IndieRock, IndianPop, Carnatic or Classical Music. The choices  are many. 

Music heals and lighten up the mood. 
You can explore other genres and create a playlist of your favourite songs so that if you want to hear them again you can access them with ease.

Explore your interest


Your interest could be anything like fashion, beauty, fitness, technology,  painting, singing etc. In your quarantine days you can gain more knowledge and get to know new things. Each day explore your interest  little by little. You will feel rejoice and confident.

Learn new language


Learning new languages can help you in many ways. If you looking for study abroad or making your career there, your language skills become prerequisite. On the other hand, if you are a traveller or you like to travel across the globe, you should be friendly with languages.

Knowledge never goes waste. So learn as much as you can.
If we talk about the much demanding languages across the globe, they are
Mandarin/Chinese, Spansih, Portuguese, German, French, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Arabic and Korean.

You can also learn native languages of your country. They are equally helpful for many perspectives. 
You can watch video tutorials or learn through apps or books available online. 

Do gardening


While living in isolation and maintaining social distancing you can still attach to nature. 
If you like plants and flower, you can nurture them. What you can do to nurture them? You can water them, provide organic manure, clean out the weed, relocate them for proper sunlight, keep an eye on bugs, prepare composed yard, examine plants on time and much more.
You can grow vegetables also. So you can eat fresh, pure and organic vegetables and it will save your cost on vegetables too. So it is a win win activity for you.



Lots of people think that photography is an outdoor activity. But it is not correct completely.
The thing is if you are keen to learn in this field and are good observer, you can find lots of things and scenes to capture around.
You do micro photography. Micro photography is for small objects.
You can capture flowers, plants, sunset, sunrise, birds, tress, objects at your home, food, fruits and what not.
And if you like to capture yourself, then you can learn new poses to practice in front of camera. You can give yourself 10 days challenge by trying new looks and get ups each day.

Play indoor games

Indoor games

Quarantine days can easily be passed by playing indoor games.
Games keeps you active mentally and physically. Playing indoor games makes you constructive.
There  are lots of option in indoor games that you can play with your family members like crosswords, sudoku , chess, ludo, board games like carom, playing cards, charades, pictionary and so on.

Learn new recipes to cook


Cooking is a necessary skill that everyone should  know. 
If you know cooking, you don't need to be dependent on others, you can make and eat whatever you like to eat.
If you are foodie who loves to eat varieties of recepies, then it is a favourable time to be active with your knife and forks. 

Those who are missing outside food in quarantine , can cook for themselves by watching videos online.
And who don't know cooking can try their hands in cooking. 
You will thank me later for this.

Try to eat healthy more

Healthy Food

Here you need to pay more attention.
In quarantine days people are eating anything irrespective of their health benefits. 
It's the time to give preference to healthy food over junk or oily food.
You should avoid oily food to much extent especially in quarantine . Because you have to stay at home and work is limited too. Only eat that amount you can digest and burn calories by doing some work. 

Eat in proper amount, drink more water and burn your calories.
Eat more green and leafy veggies, fruits, pulses and healthy food available at your home. 

Practice your hobby


I have heared people saying the don't  practice their hobbies due to busy schedule.
Now you can't  say this or make any excuse.
Quarantine makes you close to your loved hobbies. You can give some time to your hobbies and get back the joy and ecstasy.
This is the high time to restart and reinvent your self.  

Arrange your Home


Discipline and order makes your life work systematically.
Ambiance looks good when things are at their place.
It can be anything like your clothes, your shoes, books, furniture or any other object.

In quarantine days, you can recreate your home and change the dull and lethargic surroundings to entirely energetic and positive.

Rearrange your furniture, change their  location, place some indoor plants in your living room and bedroom, rearrange everything  from your clothes to your footwears, clean your stuffs, trash useless things, make crafts to decorate your home and lots of things you can do to make your home looks beautiful.

Do meditation and Practice Yoga

Meditation and Yoga

What food for your body meditation is for your mind.
When the whole world is passing though such a huge calamity everybody is in panic. 
Mind tends to work slow in panic situation.

Living in quarantine all the day in and day out is so distressing sometimes. Therefore avoiding such stressful situation, meditation is necessary for everyone.

Through meditation you can keep your mind calm and direct your energies in productive tasks.
A calm mind works faster and smarter.

If you don't know how to meditate, you can read articles or watch videos in this regard to get the idea.
You don't need to spend hours and hours doing meditation.
You can practice it for five minutes or more according to your capability. 
Most preferred and effective time for meditation is morning. But if you can't  do it in morning , try it on other time and at peaceful corner of your home. 

Watch good movies, web series or documentaries

Watch Movies

Express gratitude that you are in the age of internet where you can do almost everything with tips of your finger.
If you are a viewer of good content and always look for something new and creative   to watch then this Quarantine can be best for you.
There are so many good movies and web series  on different genres  like action, adventure, comedy, crime, drama, historical, horror, musical etc.
 You can watch them on Netflix or Amazon prime videos or other aaps

You can google to know best movies, web series or documentary. You  will get lots of good options to watch.


Listen podcast


Some people say that they get bore by watching movies, webseries all the time. For those  people who want to rest their eyes but still want to learn something, they can opt  to podcast.

Listening podcast can increase  your listening skills too.

There are podcast on different categories. You can find podcasts on Spotify, Radio Public, Pocket Casts, Cast Box, Podbean and on other apps. 

Learn a new skill


    Skills make you rich, not theories.     

    Robert Kiyosaki

 For learning a skill you have to devote time to it consistently. 
What will be more useful than learning a new skill that is in demand in you career. It is the best use of quarantine days.
Having a skills like having an additional laurel  now a days. The best thing is you don't  need to go any where or take any special training or enroll in any course. 
If you really want to learn a new skill you can learnt it at comfort of your home through your mobile or computer.
There are lots of websites and aaps like Udemy which provide lots of courses on different skills.
Here are some skills that are in demand now a days. 
Coding, Graphic design,  Public speaking,  Leadership, Advanced excel skills, New language, Photography, Photoshop, Writing, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Project management, Budgeting and much more.

Plan for your future


Everyone is very eagerly waiting for this lockdown to finish and go out of your home.
All are missing old days when they go out, do fun, meet friends, go for trips, watching movies, doing shopping and much more.
Those days are soon going to come back.
You can think this Quarantine time as a break which all living beings are required.
Till then you can plan for your future. What things you will do first, which stuff you buy first or where you go for your next trip.
Plan everything beforehand so that when your quarantine is over, you don't need to think from the starting.
 There is a famous quote
An hour of planning can save you ten hours of doing- Dale Carnegie
Do prayers and self affirmations 


Prayers are powerful.  Prayers are the source of hope and peace during Corona Virus pandamic.
Prayers are meant offering your devotion to God and ask his blessings on you and everyone.
Prayers heals you drastically and make you strong, calm and affirm internally. 

If you are new and never prayed before, you must be wondering how to pray or talk to God. It is so simple.
Here is how you can do prayers.

Search a quiet place
Praise your God and express him what are you grateful for
Ask for forgiveness
Pray almighty for his blessings
Thank to God  and chant hymns or mantras.

Learn life hacks


Hacks are tricks, skills or any method that increase productivity and efficiency in all areas of life.

Learning  hacks can save your time, money and energy too.

You can watch video  tutorials on You Tube that are in bulk over there.

So recreate  yourself in this Quarantine. And remember this this time will pass too


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