miss you quotes, love quotes, unsplash, quoteson life,
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

When you miss someone, you recall your memories back to you. Those special moments fills your heart with desire and hope to have an insight of that person. You are lucky, if you can see that one or can talk to and if you are not fortunate enough, you will end up writing missing notes like me 

I'm writing this missing you note just to console me that one day you will read this.

Dusk and dawn ask your address just to convey you my feelings.
Holding your hand I could gaze the Sunset
Sitting with you under sky could feel the breeze
Demands are not much to bother you
just you be my side that is enough for sure
You could become this special to me, never know
Once a stranger whose name I didn't know
Those are lucky who can tell there feelings out
Unlike me, who write missing you notes to feel light
A ride with you is still pending where lots of things I imagined 
I would embrace you from back sitting on pillion
Enjoying each moment which is yet to pass
But fate of these dreams is so bleak
Heart gets numb when a thought prick 
You can't be mine, I know clearly
But some parts of me don't accept this really
Out of this darkness, a hope of shimmer starts glowing
It takes me to that dreamy land so slowly
I am becoming fool deliberately
Feel rejoice to be with you so fantastically
This is a loop I'm living in
Imagine, dream and fall apart is going on
Destiny can be so rude sometime
What I want can never be mine
I can only miss you, crave you and  feel you
Can't live you, touch you or see you
A glance is now so rare till eyes are open
Your reflection I can see in this connection
A connection which only be felt
Remember You hold my heart
That's all I wanna say


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