RESULT DAY- The Restless Day


Result Day

Ever since the exam had started
I used to appraise my performance
Immediate after each exam
It became my daily routine
So that I could guess the result
Before its arrival
Everything was going smooth
Till my chemistry exam
I had chosen the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics group in XII standard
For my keen intrigue in Physics and Mathematics
But no love for chemistry in my heart
Somehow, I mustered my courage
And promised myself to excel in this subject too
At the very  starting of the session
From that day till the final exam day of chemistry
I left no stone upturned  to put that subject on my finger tips
Actually, what I found difficult in chemistry was
Those arduous chemical equations where a final product forms.
Compound formulas not less than a mystery for me
 I was a mediocre in chemistry
And I accepted this veracity in no time
Commenced my journey to exam with vim and vigour
By the time passed
I was getting self assured to grasp more than 60% in this battle with elements and periodic table

The Restless Day


Now, the day had finally come
I was anxious still knocking down
The boundaries of fear around me in exam hall
I got the paper, and in first glance
I was overwhelmed by blackout
It was like I lost my cognizance for some moments
Gradually, I gained my sanity back
Vigilantly read the whole paper 
This was the only paper
I did the appraisal even before filling the entries
I started foretelling the outcome like a sage
This sheet is a blot out of blue for me and could be a horrible turning point in breaking me down
Tsunami of thoughts came in my mind and left debris of doubts
While looking at the paper, i was think thinking what to do and where to start from
Because I knew only 30 to 40 % questions only
Eventually, I made up my mind
And attempted familiar questions first
Engrossed in solving the brainteaser for 3 hours
The time came on its edge and the final bell rang
I took the sigh and mumbled what a time it was!
Stood up from the seat and joined my classmates who were discussing the paper.I was just hearing the noise they were collectively making and left the group by just saying bye with heavy heart.
And came home thinking about the havoc I committed
That inferiority didn’t let me slept that night
And likewise I had relinquish so many nights
This was the day my board exam result was going to be announced
Timorousness was peeping through my face
Somehow, I managed to switch on my desktop
Opened the website and put my details there
Internet was slow that day, 
After the hiatus of two minute, a window just popped up with my name , roll no. and other information.
I just scrolled down to the percentage obtained section
It was 78% with a remark keep it up
Then I scrolled up to the subject section to see my marks
Luckily I got distinction in all subjects except the one, as anticipated.
In which I didn’t even get 45 marks
I passed this subject with second division
Which was the sole reason for my down fall
Tears started rolling down my cheeks
I went in despair locked me in the room.
Cried, shrieked and repent
Accusing self for shattering everyone’s expectations
I was passing through hell
But thanks to my family
That fetched me out from prisoning in depression
Made me realized the eminence of practice over numerical figure.
My monkish friends taught me to face glitches staying cool headed .
Their encouragement fueled a fire in me to stand again to stand out.
Today I am an alumnus of IIT Mumbai sharing my once failure turned lifetime success anecdote with you.
I am greatly enjoying the fruits my handwork and determination paid to me.
Always have a glimmer of hope and get your act together.

How to achieve success

Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit- Napolean Hill


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