How To Handle Rejections

how to handle rejection

Now it's enough 
I mumbled to me
Boosted my tormented spirit 
Come on, get up
Be unstoppable 
Push your limits
See your highest possibilities 
It's not end yet
Instead,a new page 
Of life anthology altogether
Don't turn down
It's all mind game
Be creator, not follower
And i stopped here
A part of me questioned
Why someone else decision
Control my perspective of fate 
No can't happen
I can't let that happen 
Abruptly i came out of contemplation
When my phone rang, as always
Guess who it was?
That irksome service providers call
Seeing the number flashing on the screen
I immediately hang up without a second thought
I was in rush to home 
In bad disposition
Holding those pictures 
On repeating mode
The more i recall them
The more i intimidate
Somehow, keeping them at bay
Took a cab and carried on
On the way to home
I just kept looking down
Instead glancing out of window
Which i used to do on usual days
It might be my negligence of truth
Which was poking my ego repeatedly
"The way i wished" could not let me see the reality
What did i commit wrong?
I was frightened to count my frailness
Not booted up to face aftermath of rejection
Unable in Sustaining truth in front of me
Remembring the clichè 'truth is bitter'
Overlooked the benefits it carries
It might be blessing in disguise
I was not ready to budge with ego
I took it as a full stop on my dreams
Pushing back those ill vibes

I reached Sunshine Enclave, my residence
While standing at the door of my apartment
I was thinking about my family's reactions 
When they would get to know 
That i got rejected 

Oops! I forgot to mention what was the rejection about?
Actually, From my childhood i have had a dream to be a pilot
It was very clear to me, that what i always wanted to become
So, I made every possible effort to meet my dreams
My Ultimate goal was to get over IAF AFACT
And yes, i did clear 
But unfortunately, i left behind at the final stage
How to define this situation, when your jounrney
ends, reaching so close to your destination 
When you see your dream in front of you
and return even without touching it
Obviously, heart, i was too
This all was the cause of my disease
which would be chronic or acute
i had no clue about
Now, the crux of the matter was 
How would i explain this phenomena to them
Gathering all courage, whatever was left with me
I rang the bell finally
My mother was on the door 
Curious to know about my experience
Good news, her ears were longing for
Contrary to my imagination
She didn't ask me a single
Perhaps she would have read my face
Decoded the sign of nervousness
I entered, and headed straight to my room

 And closed the door
So that no one could come im
 took deep breathe 

Drank a glass of water
Then brought out my laptop from backpack
Opened it and browsed some success stories 
To soothe me down that i was not the first one who turned down
Lots of people were there
Michale Jordan, JK Rowling,Abraham Lincon and so on
The live examples and epitome of success

From this exploration i came to know
Rejection is a part of life
Not mine not yours but everyone's 
Only those bears fruits
Who accepts the refusal
And move on
Figure out the origin of
this vicious cycle
And cut the root out
After a thorough research

every answer was lucid to me
I was settled on to introspect my conduct
and lets find the lapse
Devour more success stories
hypothesis and psychology 
which works after such humiliating thoughts
After collecting a pile of information
I quickly wrote down my own ways
Without missing out even the single one


Here are my own ways of dealing with rejection, in a nutshell
● The first and foremost step is accept your failure asap. This is the bottom line.
● After successful completion of step first, owe yourself a  reward.
● Now, the time to chant few mantras of transformation
● Keep giving yourself some positive affirmations instead using cuss words.
● Don't be too hard on yourself.
● Gradually, pick up those lapses which choking the path to your goal. 
● Count on your previous mistake and bear in mind not to commit it next time.
● If you find something you are weak at, just simply put that into practice and be the master.
● Be constructive and focus on what you can learn
● Rejuvenate your self esteem.
● Spit your complications out with your friend or with trusted adult.
● Focus on what you possess.

By sharp practice of above stated rules for few days i actually yielded desired consequences, which are
● How to maintain your poised when result is not in your  favor?
● How to conquer the fear of getting failure?
● How to restore self confidence? 
● New ways to look at things.
● Explore different opportunities. 
● Regroup and refocus your supremacy.
● How to enjoy the process without worrying about result?
● How to reconsider your worth?
● What is the importance of pre-planning? 
● How to handle adversity?

power, possible

Do Remember

Rejection isn't a sign that something is wrong for you it's a sign that they're wrong for you -Sonya Parker


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