Life, Hard work And Living

➤Taste Of Hard work

How to workhard

Undoubtedly, no taste can match the taste of hard work . This taste is unique and incomparable. We frequently hear " hard work is the key to success".This proverb seems much relevant.Because Hard-work and success are closely related. Let us understand this by an example. Suppose Life is a stair which leads you  to your destination.The stair of life consists of  various steps and each step has an significant impact in deciding lifespan of success.To have access to your destination,  first it is require to take single step at a time. Don't make haste or try to skip the step because sooner or later you will realize the gratefulness of those steps you missed. However, if you managed to reach the destination by hook or by crook, it will be short lived.  As we know there in no shortcut to success. For long lasting Success, the first step is learning which leads to hard work and hard work ultimately leads you to success. So either crawl or walk, but never stop.      

➤Earn A Life

How to make a good living

Just living is not a life. Earn a life for the sake of life. Get yourself motivated to live a life of your dreams. The life you have ever wished to live. Take responsibility of yours happiness , griefs, emotions, dreams, goals and all. Don't hold anyone, any situation or your fate responsible for you debacles. Instead, find the loopholes you missed to inspect  and create a path out of those barriers. Nurture your aspirations and get most out of it. Set your own terms to live by and never let yourself and others to make your values negotiable. If you do settlement of virtue once, you will do it twice, thrice and so on. So don't be the prey of situations, better be the hunter.     

➤Spend Life Religiously As We Are Here To Live Only Once

Now, What is spend religiously mean? It's simple. When we mark an incredible success in life, we become engrossed in enjoying it which we definitely deserve. But did we succeed only to luxuriate? Of course not. Apart from exuberance do contribute at your level best  whatever you have to share with the  world. It could be anything such as helping needy, guiding people who are passing through the same situation  that you passed through, sharing your knowledge of expertise of your field and so many things can be added in the list according to your capability and strength. This is what spending religiously actually means.


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